The Breast Cancer Companion: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed [Paperback]

The Breast Cancer Companion: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed [Paperback]

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Breast Cancer Survival Rates - Stage 1 Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Survival Rates - Stage 1 Breast Cancer

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Every human being is born with a complete system that functions to the various needs of the body. When a baby is born, the mother develops milk in her breast so that the baby will be able to feed from it on its early months. Each and every one of us, male or female, has a tendency to be affected by various ailments. And as the famous saying stated, an ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure. There are some diseases that can be cured by common medicine, however there are certain illnesses that cannot be cured easily and could alter a person's life in an instant. One of the malignant diseases we are all afraid about is the "Big C," and one of the most common types of cancer is breast cancer.

Cancer of the breast is a disease that affects female populace more often than not, however men are not spared. Men can also acquire this disease as well. This deadly disease has four stages and you are lucky enough if diagnosed in an earlier stage. In the law of cancer, the earlier diagnosed the higher chance of survival. Stage 1 breast cancer is the earliest of the breast cancer stages and its survival rates show improvements. Stage 1 breast cancer is when the malignant cancer cells of the breast have started to develop and expand within the breast. Usually at this early stage, the breast cancer tumor is still hard to detect and not visible in the naked eye. During this early stage, there are various tests conducted to determine if there is a tumor inside the breast of a person that is suspected to be a cancer carrier.

The good news for people positive with the disease is that according to some statistics and researches, stage 1 breast cancer survival rates have been favorable and have a 95 % chance of continued existence for patients diagnosed. During this stage, the tumor developed inside the breast is better to remove than when it has affected various parts of the body already. If a person is feeling indifferent about any part of their body, like an unfamiliar lump on the breast, they should immediately seek professional help in order to determine if they have acquired any illnesses concerning the breast. You do not want to wait for the worse to come. Whether or not it is cancer, it is always better to prevent it from coming.

Breast Cancer Survival Rates - Stage 1 Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Survival Rates - Stage 1 Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Survival Rates - Stage 1 Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Survival Rates - Stage 1 Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer